Monday, April 2, 2007

The Aerodynamic Behaviour Of Life...

As we all know, life is full of ups and downs. We can compare such nature of life to a streamline body, and hence, can apply some aerodynamic principles to it.The four main aerodynamic forces, which make an aircraft fly, can also be said as acting on our life, making possible its flight.“Lift”, the force acting in upward direction on any aircraft, is responsible for the upliftment of life. The forces acting as lift or producing lift in life include knowledge, position, power, money etc.“Thrust” is the force, which is responsible for the forward motion of any aircraft, and in case of life, it acts in the same way, causing the flow of life. Forces acting as thrust include dreams, desires, curiosity, motivation etc.“Drag”, the force acting just opposite to “thrust”, as its name suggests, tries to push us back. Forces acting as drag are negative attitude, greed, jealousy, idleness etc.The last but not the least is “weight”, which acts in downward direction in case of aircrafts, due to gravitational force of the earth and in case of life, due to the sense of responsibility, gratitude, acceptance etc.All these forces are equally responsible for the smooth flight of the life and should be kept in equilibrium in case not to stall and crash, the precious life gifted to this poor soul, for once and for all.~Surabhi Kumari

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The best thing that the God has blessed a main with is EXPRESSION!! I m glad to read wat surabhi has expressed in her best of words!! How many in a day to we actually thank God for all the capabilities & beauty that he has bestowed on us?? Do we give time to think abt ourselves!!
Surabhi does i m sure...But do U actually !! This world is in demand of more such surabhi's!! Don't U think so!
This is just a beginning .....Let's see If u can contribute ...atleast give it a thought! Right surabhi......Good work! Carry on!