Thursday, July 5, 2007

For Kanu Di..........

कितने किरण
अज्ञात कलियाँ

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

प्रथम हिंदी लेख .

आज मैंने हिंदी में लिखना सीखा।
अब मुझे ब्लोग्स लिखना ज्यादा अच्छा और आसान लगेगा।
अभी तो कुछ ऐसा नही है जो लिखूं,एक जगजीत सिंह कि गजल याद आ रही है तो वो लिखती हूँ,
" अब मैं राशन कि कतारों में नजर आता हूँ"
आगे नही याद
अभी इतना ही...

Monday, April 2, 2007

Life Is Beautiful..

Its not just a phrase for me now. I really saw the beauty of life…not just once…many a times. There were many, I’ll put some of them here.It was 22nd of November’05.Two days to go before the auspicious day of 24th November (the day is celebrated as Founder’s Day here in BANASTHALI Vidyapith) .Preparations for the grand fair (of 24th Nov) Apaji Ka Mela,was on its full swing. It was an airy afternoon ,I was waiting for the bus near Laxmibai Ground(the most suitable place for the fair).Two three trucks ,fully loaded with the accessories to setup the swings for the fair turned towards Laxmibai Ground. A school kid also saw this ,and suddenly ran fast towards his house, and after few minutes, a group of kids of his age was rushing towards the Laxmibai Ground…I heard their innocent voice..”Jhoole aa gaye ..Jhoole aa gaye”.The voice and the joy into it were beautiful.Another incident, I cannot resist mentioning here about ! I was going towards the market, looking curiously outside the window of the bus. Suddenly it stopped, and it was not a predefined stoppage. My eyes started enquiring(effortlessly), after a while I got to know the reason, It was a crossing of two buses, drivers of the two were sharing some words. The result of the enquiry gave me a smile. I again thought, Life is beautiful.It was a day before my Final Exam of the paper Systems Analysis and Design. There was a lot left to study and I was not feeling well enough to open my eyes ,reading the text seemed impossible. One of the friends turned around, allowed me to close my eyes, read me the text, giving stress on the points to be memorized. I wrote the exam well, next day. Now I think you too will be thinking, Life is beautiful. Isn’t it?
~ Surabhi Kumari


सच्चा दोस्त मिल जाए
एक तोह्फ़ा है
सिर्फ़ धोखा है
मंहगाई की दुनिय में
मंहगे होते हैन
सब्को नहीं मिलते
बहुत सस्ते होते हैं
बडी आसानी से मिल्ते हैं.
~सुरभि कुमारी

हाय मेरा चश्मा खो गया

हाय मेरा चश्मा खो गया
भीड़ में ना जाने कब
मुझसे दूर हो गया
अपनी लापरवाही पे हम बड़ा पछ्ताए
दिखावटी नहीं थे हमने जो आंसू थे बहाए
मित्रों ने नाना प्रकार के दिलासे थे दिलाए
क्यूँ साथ ले कर गए थे अपने
यह सोच कर हम बड़ा पछ्ताएपर
थोड़ी ही देर में बिना चश्मे केहमें बड़े फ़ायदे नजर आए
जब तक चश्मा हमें ना मिल जाए
हम लैब कैसे जाएँ
रंगीन मॉनीटर हमारी आँखों में पानी है लाए,
माफ़ करना दोस्तों,
जो हम लैब न अ पाए,
कक्षा में बैठे थे हम सिर झुकाए,
शिक्षक ने पूछा ,क्या कलम नहीं लाए,
तो भला तुम क्यूं हो आए,
हमने तुरंत कहा
महोदय,हम चश्मा खो आए,
महोदय ने सहानुभूति थी जताई,
हमने अपनी पीठ थी थपथपाई,
यूँ कुछ दिन हमने बड़ी मौज मनाई,
पर जल्दी ही परीक्षा की घड़ी आई,
सबने हमें चश्में की याद दिलाई
हम अब भी खुश थे भाई
उस चश्में का मॉडल भी तो हो गया था पुराना,
एक रत्ती भी हमें भाता ना था लगाना,
बाजार में एक नया मॉडल था आया
उसने हमें खूब था लुभाया
सो..अब हमें है नया चश्मा लगाना
उचित समझा हमनें पुराने को भुलाना.~ सुरभि कुमारी

The Aerodynamic Behaviour Of Life...

As we all know, life is full of ups and downs. We can compare such nature of life to a streamline body, and hence, can apply some aerodynamic principles to it.The four main aerodynamic forces, which make an aircraft fly, can also be said as acting on our life, making possible its flight.“Lift”, the force acting in upward direction on any aircraft, is responsible for the upliftment of life. The forces acting as lift or producing lift in life include knowledge, position, power, money etc.“Thrust” is the force, which is responsible for the forward motion of any aircraft, and in case of life, it acts in the same way, causing the flow of life. Forces acting as thrust include dreams, desires, curiosity, motivation etc.“Drag”, the force acting just opposite to “thrust”, as its name suggests, tries to push us back. Forces acting as drag are negative attitude, greed, jealousy, idleness etc.The last but not the least is “weight”, which acts in downward direction in case of aircrafts, due to gravitational force of the earth and in case of life, due to the sense of responsibility, gratitude, acceptance etc.All these forces are equally responsible for the smooth flight of the life and should be kept in equilibrium in case not to stall and crash, the precious life gifted to this poor soul, for once and for all.~Surabhi Kumari

They Were Happy!!!

I saw them yesterday...While rushing back to my hostel after 3 heavy lectures.I was tired n not at all happy!! But they were happy...She was working...And he was sitting there in the sand ! She was carrying bricks to the nearby building under construction! And he was making a house in the was not a huge one ..his tiny hands couldn't make it as big as his mother was working for!She came back to him for a while..they probably exchanged some words..the mother smiled and went back to her job! She didn't see me..neither she smiled at me...but i was smiling...n was happy now!

My Dear

Today u r no more in my life...i can't believe it. But they say u wont be there with me anymore and say me to throw u out as u r a Corrupted Floppy now. But i dont believe it...n dont want to believe either.How can i forget those golden days when we were together...u simply made many of my days bright.Do u remember the day when u both went together to the printer and i got those lengthy assignments printed much relaxed i was! You saved those golden hours of my life,which i'd have passed penning down those complex C programs,never ending COBOL file handelling programs...and many more assignments ,my teachers asked for !I can't explain in words what u were for me.You were more then a friend to me.I cant imagine how i will be doing further without u.How could u leave me alone like this....i've a very long path to go.Have to survive many more assignments.Didn't u ever give it a thought.You were never selfish like this...u were always so kind to me.What happened now.I dont know what happened with u,but i'll always miss u.....My Dear Floppy.